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What is OMGHerButt.com

OMGHerButt.com is an adult - NSFW blog that displays the best ass on the net, along with submitted material from our loyal and sexy followers.

I began the blog in late 2012. It has been a slow start, but currently we have 50,000+ great followers! I'm convinced I have some of the best followers in adult tumblr community. The love I've been getting from OMGHerButt.com has been overwhelming, so I've decided to give back by creating some fun, unique, and bold T-Shirt Designs.

OMGHerButt.com is much more than just a blog, it's a movement! Men, if you enjoy a nice fat ass BE PROUD! Women, if you have a thick, jiggly ass BE PROUD!  The next time you walk down the block, smile when you hear the flat booty girls say... "OMG her butt..."